1. To install a new package run ppm command from the command prompt
ppm install
eq: C:\PERL>ppm install Text::CSV_XS
2. To upgrade an existing package use the ppm upgrade command
ppm upgrade --install
In the following example we are trying to upgrade the Text::CSV_XS module
2.1 Check the current version
C:\PERL>perl -MText::CSV_XS -e "print $Text::CSV_XS::VERSION"
2.2 Update the current version
C:\PERL>ppm upgrade --install Text-CSV_XS
Text-CSV_XS 0.23: new version 0.65 available in Autonamed 3
Text-CSV_XS 0.23: new version 0.65 available in Autonamed 2
Text-CSV_XS 0.23: new version 0.35 available in ActiveState Package Repository
Text-CSV_XS 0.23: new version 0.35 available in ActiveState PPM2 Repository
Note: Text-CSV_XS version 0.23 is available from more than one place.
Which repository would you like to upgrade from?
1. Autonamed 3
2. Autonamed 2
3. ActiveState Package Repository
4. ActiveState PPM2 Repository
Repository? [ActiveState PPM2 Repository] 1
Upgrade 'http://ppm.tcool.org/archives/Text-CSV_XS.ppd' version 0.65 in ActivePerl
Files found in blib\arch: installing files in blib\lib into architecture dependent library tree
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Text\CSV_XS\CSV_XS.dll
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Text\CSV_XS\CSV_XS.exp
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Text\CSV_XS\CSV_XS.lib
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Text\CSV_XS\CSV_XS.pdb
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Text\CSV_XS.pm
Writing C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Text\CSV_XS\.packlist
Successfully upgraded Text-CSV_XS version 0.65 in ActivePerl
2.3 Check the version again
C:\PERL>perl -MText::CSV_XS -e "print $Text::CSV_XS::VERSION"
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